Learn through various opportunities and xperts of self discovery.


Meet Dee

Dee’s mantra is keeping a positive mindset and finding gratitude on life’s journey!

With many ups an downs in life Dee has learned the way to move forward in happiness is by keeping a positive mindset, shifting internal perspectives and taking responsibility and control of your life. Her mission to help individuals cultivate lasting change in their health and gain their desired level overall wellness by developing self confidence through removing self doubts and limiting beliefs.


Her Xpansion works to help women grow and gain traction in self discovery and self development.

Providing a space where we can boost each other’s confidence and develop courage when confronted with challenging changes and experiences. It’s all right to have an inner critic, but if that inner critic paralyzes you with fear, and keeps you complacent not exploring you gifts, talents and opportunities. We need to get rid of it with positive, supportive voices from fellow women who also know and fight those battles.


Opportunities for growth in your expertise.



These events are designed to be immersive in learning from various speakers, doing activities and experiencing something new and exciting. Food, snacks and treats are provided for the day’s event.


Join Her xpansion for a podcast that can inspire you to Xpand your life, make connections, get new ideas and bring you Inspiration to lead your yourself and your best life.

Community Accountability Group

These events are designed to be immersive in learning from various speakers, doing activities and experiencing something new and exciting. Food, snacks and treats are provided for the day’s event.

10% of Every Ticket Sales Goes to Our Give Back Club.

Once a month, our give back club holds a meeting to pool funds together to give back to women in our communities.

Get Your Free EBook to 25 Wellness Tips


Being a part of this empowering community of women has without a doubt transformed my life… I’ve not only experienced profound mindset shifts and am gaining a new sense of confidence, I also now have a support system that I know I can always rely on. I cannot describe the value of being surrounded by such inspirational women who genuinely want the best for me. Together, we’re not just expanding for ourselves and our families; we’re uplifting each other in a journey of constant growth!


Her Xpansion Event Attendee

Joining Her Xpansion has truly been life changing for me. There are so many high level women in the group who have put in the work to be their best selves. They continue showing up for others while constantly aiming for more and deeper thought within themselves. A common word used to describe a number of the women in Her Xpansion is “Light”, whether they radiate light or are a light, I find it so aspiring. As a self proclaimed “not a girl’s girl”, I find it so refreshing to be around people who just genuinely want the best for each other. There’s no judgement, just open arms always. I have cried, laughed, shared incredible moments with these women. If self-enlightenment is your desire, joining Her Xpanision would be like embarking on you own personal Renaissance.


Her Xpansion Event Attendee

Her Xpansion has challenged me to connect and step outside of fears and comfort zones. There’s is something so powerful and healing about being with a whole group of women working on themselves and willing to be vulnerable with each other. The breath work that I’ve done with them was AMAZING and really helped me resolve a lot of trauma. 

Even though I’ve done a lot of breath work on my own, it was much more powerful doing with a group like this. They have helped me do lot of healing that I didn’t even know I needed until I was there. I seriously can’t recommend it enough! So empowering!


Her Xpansion Event Attendee